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Primal Attraction 4 Month- 1 on 1


Primal Attraction 6  Week- 1 on 1


Primal Attraction Modern Feminine Dating Single Call

Primal Attraction: Ancient Feminine Wisdom for Modern Women

The most decadent and juicy dating course created for women who are ready to do a complete 180 in the way that they approach dating. In this course you will completely up level the quality of men you attract, and learn how to become pursued, cherished, and adored as a completely transformed woman with access to the wisdom your body and instincts have been begging you to reconnect to.





Primal Attraction : Ancient Wisdom for Modern Women 


The bulk of modern women are lost in the endless realm of the mind, disconnected from their bodies, and lost in a landmine of endless theory about who men and women should be. The problem is that the more in your mind you are, and the less connected you are to your body, the more disconnected you will be from your instincts. When it comes to dating, finding and attracting the right man, this is bad news. 


Why ?


Because your body has evolved millions of years of hardware to adequately vet and evaluate men for their ability to be good fathers, husbands, and providers. 


These biological instincts have been reinforced by the fact that the women who were best able to carry children and managed to pick the right man did one thing right: they survived. The best of these women had the emotional skills and know-how to acquire resources and social status  from connection with their man and community around them  that allowed them to adequately raise their children into their adult reproductive years.  Women who did not manage to do this, well they didn't get picked, they died, and their genes died off. 


Your great, great, great, great, great, grandmother was instinctually skilled in the art of attracting a man who would be an excellent provider, hunter, and protector. Not because she read a book, or watched a video titled “20 texts  to make him chase you,” but because she was in tune with her body and what tickled her fancy…and made her feel safe at a primal level.


Because safety and survival was her primary motive, she had no luxury of using theory, as the modern woman does, to gaslight herself about what she found attractive in a mate or how she should present herself to find him. What was attractive was what was safe.  She knew that mating with the wrong man could mean death, the loss of social security, or her ability to be fed. She knew  without being told that she should vet men not only for their basic ability to provide,but for his willingness to provide for her. She knew that her social status and security depended upon finding the best, most fit, and most stable man she could. She formulated strategies that would allow him to fall in love with her,  accentuated her feminine assets, her fertility, and her beaming smile all with the intention of ensuring she had the most options and the best chance at success to appeal to what your (10x) great grandpa would have wanted: someone of quality to carry his genes on, someone to be loyal to him, and use what he gave to her to raise healthy children.





In today's politically correct and hyper-intellectual world the idea of accentuating the body (the primary initial motivator of men in short and long-term mating) is almost deemed sinful. Women of today have gaslit themselves into believing that it is ONLY their brains that should attract a man…That if they display their career, or how capable they are of keeping up with men they are, that this will capture a man's attention.



None of this is true.​


At an instinctual level, men still want the same thing, a fertile woman to pass on his genes through.   Wai. this doesnt mean he doesn't also want you to be you brilliant, competent self, just that it's not what he is wired to have a gut level emotional response to. The woman who arouses this instinctual "I've got to have her" feeling in a man doesn't have to prove anything. Her very essence is magnetic. What makes her most attractive is her radiance, her connection to her feeeling body,​

to her raw truth, and to her heart.


At first when reading this you may feel offended, disgusted, or even ( if you are like me) amused. The fact is, that understanding the drivers of male and female attraction at an instinctual level is the main key to setting yourself apart in a world that begs you to ignore your instinct and continuously tries to change facts to suit feelings. 


When you learn the biological instincts of the opposite sex you gain the upper hand in a world of women trying to appeal to, communicate with, and connect with men as if they were women. The truth is, these women don't know any better. They don't know the differences between men and women and this is the very reason why they struggle.


In a world trying to win with sociological theory and logic, you can win, through understanding these hardwired differences, by creating an immutable, gut level, primal reaction that crosses the barrier of the mind entirely and arouses a desire even many men are in denial that they have.





Yeah, Leah... But all men and women aren't the same. 


Yes, but lets assume we are talking about the average. Not the exceptions. Your every day testosterone driven Joe who is, on average, going to have massively different desires for a partner than a woman, who on average has 20x less testosterone than the average man. It may be trendy to say men and women want the same things on average, but it isn't true and has been studied and confirmed countless... countless times.  Women and men have been psychologically imprinted by thousands of years of behavioral differences and mate preferences that have been necessary for the healthy proliferation of our species . Females primarily protect their womb, men, their territory ( job, freedom, land, woman) This course is based on research, not sociological theory or likable ideas and that is what sets this apart from your girlfriends advice that is keeping you stuck.




Wait … but if you are a Christian, why do you teach evolutionary psychology and biology?


I use evolutionary science as a tool to better understand our design. When we look at the reality, and, frankly, the science, we can clearly see the way traits become reinforced through mate selection. If your ancestors have pale skin,  you without a doubt maintain remnants of their genetics. What I speak to and teach within this course is mating which at a base level is about the survival of our species and our genes. Without the urge to pass our genes on, the human race ceases to exist. What I explore here, is what traits, in men, and in women were and have always remained appealing for the primal, human urge, to pass on healthy genes. Whether you are Christian or not, the facts remain the same, what we deem attractive is not something we choose, it is something we discover through feelings stirred in us that are beyond our control. The purpose of this course is to better understand how to use and understand these points of attraction for good.





Lets Jump In ...


 Tap Into Your Inner Wild Woman and Watch the Right Man Follow


Getting out of your head and into your body is critical to your journey of discovering what truly makes you feel good with a man, and which men actually arouse a sense of safety and openness within you. The purpose of cultivating awareness of this is to avoid partnering with men who will eventually irritate you due to your female needs not being fully honored or met by the man that you are with. This is actually dangerous not only for your ability to preserve your value (female radiance) but for your children's ability to receive the fullness of your emotional and mental presence. Women naturally give their best to their children. This is hardwired in us through our bonding with our babies through breastfeeding and carrying a child. If you are not being poured into by your man, you will inevitably feel the pressure to give what you do have to your children. The purpose of selecting a man who arouses a sense of fullness, safety, and protection within you is that it resources you with the ability to give from your overflow and still have enough to give back to yourself and to him.


A healthy man will respect this at an instinctual level because you being safe, surviving, and thriving, means his offspring will also thrive. Remember, mothers give first to their children. Men give first to their women. This is the natural order that is, yes, reinforced by the bonding that occurs at a biological level.


That said, if you are disconnected from your body, your need for safety, your desires  and your instinct you also risk being disconnected from the vital resources you need to thrive and give the emotional, psychological, and physical care you need to give to the more delicate matters of life: children, beautification of self, and maintenance of overall health and wellness of yourself and those around you 



In this course you will learn how to:


Maximize your dating profile 


Connect to your true feelings so that you know how to recognize and communicate your authentic needs, desires, and instincts - no longer abandoning yourself under the guise of wanting to be “reasonable” 


Fortify your nervous system to be able to sit with the big emotions of holding the boundaries in dating and courtship that most honor your unique needs and desires as a woman.


Learn the female signals that male men tick 


Biohack for female health and wellness (sleep, waist/hip ratio, hormonal wellness, preserving fertility etc) 


Connect to your female instinct 


Learn to respect and understand male instinct 


Accentuate the signals you have of evolutionary female health


Appropriately emotionally bond in early dating and stop getting your heart broken 


Uncover the truth about female biology and how to date in a way that honors our evolutionary and psychological needs 


Vet men and call in men who are emotionally available and ready to date for marriage


 Position yourself to attract and deal responsibly with amazing, mature, masculine men who want to provide. 


Feel worthy of a healthy provider man and what your energy provides for him


 Heal from past pain and feel safe to uncover and share your heart again


 Bring out the best in men 


Go from casual dating and repeated "situationships" to dating for marriage with multiple options to choose from


 Date and choose men according to your values and honest desires instead of attachment created through sex or time spent together. 


​​Cultivate inner peace, clarity of values, and deep inner happiness


Clarify your deepest desires in love and confidently own them 


Become the most beautiful woman in any room you enter with little-known skills, secrets, and ways of being



And More... 


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